nyc first month in

nyc first month in

I started this blog a little over a year ago with the hope that I would have a space to share my thoughts as well as pictures, not because I thought anyone would care what I had to say, but because I thought it might be therapeutic. This has proven to be a great stress reliever for me to be able to ramble on about things important to me and things not important. The last few months have been a sort of roller coaster of highs and lows filled with excitement for a big life changing move and grieving someone I deeply love. I am not old enough to say I have life figured out, but the older I do get, the more I realize this life is full of all sorts of emotions coexisting at once. 

I have now been living in NYC for close to a month now. The beginning was as hard as I expected it would be. The move came right after my uncle, who I loved dearly, passed away. Some would say it was the perfect time to get away and start fresh, but for me it made the bouts of homesickness more intense. As someone who has never lived away, it was and still can be a jarring experience getting used to not being a car ride away to all my people at home. It was a back and forth of good and hard emotions for a solid three weeks.

As I write this today, I now have a routine. I have made a few new friends, which has made a huge difference. I also started school and am now filled with excitement and ideas for my future more than ever before. I walk places and hope I never take for granted that I am getting to live in my favorite city in the world. All that being said, it hasn't been without tears from missing home so much. Or doubts in distinguishing myself from so many other people going after their dreams. But I will say, time is a great gift. I believe it can heal for the most part. So, I am trying to make the most of my time here in this new city.

Writing and walking around taking pictures has been a major help. Below are a few snaps from my first month...

The first couple of weeks, my parents, cousin, and best friend were with me. We had the best time seeing shows, exploring, and enjoying the city. The above pictures are from the first day walking from midtown to downtown. 

One of the reasons I love New York so much are the broadway shows. There is nothing like seeing a great show live. I also love the architecture in the old theaters and had a blast taking pictures of The Richard Rogers theatre before seeing my favorite show, Hamilton

The areas surrounding Central Park never will stop being beautiful to me and is always fun to explore.

Little Italy...

My cousin and one of my favorite people, Casey visited for a week. We strolled around, snapped pictures, bar hopped, and had the best time!

As I said before, more time spent here and discovering myself and this city helps me realize how lucky I am. 






US Open 2018

US Open 2018

LA vacation

LA vacation