'Tis the season in NYC

'Tis the season in NYC

The Christmas season has always contained my happiest memories. I love the nostalgia of it all. In the last few weeks, I have been walking around New York looking at the various neighborhoods, window displays, famous Christmas trees, and NYC lives up to the hype this time of year. That homesickness that I have been feeling off and on since I have moved here has evolved into this city feeling like home. I think some of it has to do with some exciting things coming up in 2019, but mostly it is New York feeling how I think Christmas should feel: joyful and nostalgic. NYC does the holiday season right. All that being said, I fly home to California tomorrow and I am so happy and excited to see my family and friends, but before I do that I wanted to share an overload of pics I have taken in the last few weeks!

Union Square Holiday Market

30 Rock and 5th Ave window displays

Washington Square Park and Greenwich Village

West Village shots

Wall Street Christmas

2018 Christmas snapshots

2018 Christmas snapshots

