The Color Factory

The Color Factory

I took a journey through what felt like “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory” today, except with less chocolate and more color. The Color Factory is a new-ish museum, which started in San Francisco and made it’s debut in NYC in the last year. It was stimulating and inspiring. Each exhibit is a photographer’s dream.

Before I entered through the “factory doors”, I waited outside and let my senses go crazy as streams of color flew down from the ceiling.


I loved looking through the window holes into each different exhibit and thought they made for fun pictures

This exhibit was an interactive experience with different stations set up to play two different harmonies at each station

“Balloon Wishes” was my favorite exhibit

With this exhibit, you are required to pick a color card and flip it over. On the back it has a specific dance move you are suggested to do on their light up dance floor while music plays

Below, these objects were found at the bottom of the pacific ocean

People are expected to open the slots and view the “meanings” behind the different colors.

“New York State of Mind” by Andrew Kuo

The blue ball pit!

Of course their exit has to be the most colorful!

My favorite shot of the whole day came when I snapped a picture of the outside of the museum. Looking at it now, this picture represents my favorite part about New York City: the diversity.

the back and forth

the back and forth

US Open 2018

US Open 2018